Toilet Break

Watertight Plumbing Blog


How do I know when my LPG gas bottle is empty?

Lately we've had a couple of customers ask us how they can check if their LPG bottles were running out. We thought this is something others may want to know.

Your bottle installation should be sitting on a concrete pad, secure chain, and change-over regulator (reg) in the middle. If you have an automatic change over reg (pictured above) it will automatically switch from an empty cylinder to the full one when the first runs out.

From time to time you need to check the change-over reg to see if you need to order another bottle. Your change-over reg will have a viewing window/indicator – when this is showing RED it means that a bottle is empty and it's time to call for a new one. See the examples above.

Handy Hint:
Don't adjust the directional arrow on the regulator, as this indicates to the driver which gas bottle is empty.

Testing the level of LPG

LPG bottles will come filled to just over ¾ of the height of the bottle. This normal as it allows for the expansion of the LPG. If you would like to test the level of LPG in the bottle the safe and accurate way is to:
  1. Pour warm water down the side of the bottle
  2. Wait a few minutes
  3. Run your hand down the side of the bottle
  4. It will feel cool to the touch at the level of LPG
Thinking about Gas Bottles?
Gas bottles are a convenient way to convert to gas. You can use gas for heating, cooking and hot water. If you would like to speak with someone further to supply bottles or swap from your existing provider give us a call 0800 426 444.


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