Toilet Break

Watertight Plumbing Blog


Worried about cheap plumbing products? Caveat emptor!

*Pictured above is a cheap knock off pipe product!!

Firstly let us say, we don't supply products that are not to the AS/NZ standards.

We are however asked from time to time to install supplied products from clients who have got a deal form somewhere and are looking to save a bit of cash. Or we find work having been completed with defective products that have failed, and we have to rectify. We can understand people trying to save money but with plumbing there are no short cuts. It's the cheap products where the problems are found and if we're honest are no end of headaches for us. Caveat emptor! - Buyer beware – you get what you pay for.

The current conversation in the media about defective plumbing products is one to pay attention to. Anyone from the DIY king to those looking at new builds should be asking some questions.

Quality and life expectancy of pipes
Any pipe work you install will eventually degrade and cause leaks. Most pipe products have a limited life around 25 years. If your house is a bit older than that you may run into some pipe leaks.

How do I know I am getting quality products and workmanship?
Firstly choose Watertight Plumbing for your next job!

Plumbers should be like us, registered and qualified. There is only so much the DIY plumber should even attempt. Installation by a non-professional will void warranties on products and fixtures and cause issues with building regulations, so just don't. Yes it does cost to do it right, but it costs more when it goes wrong, and it does go wrong.

What products do Watertight use, and how do we know they're any good?

We don't supply products that aren't to the AS/NZ standards!

Pipes and Fittings
We use and recommend the following Water Mark Certified products

Water pipe and fittings:
Buteline / Rifeng / Kembla Copper

Gas pipe and fittings:
Rifeng / Kembla copper

Buteline – a very popular product, look for the genuine brand though, not all grey pipe is Buteline.
Rifeng – a very popular product with specific options for water and gas.
Kembla cooper – is a great product and good to use everywhere, and the only pipe to use outside.

Something to look out for - Buteline and Rifeng shouldn't be installed outside unless in a UV resistant conduit.

Here are links to quality statements and other documents for these products.

Tapware and fixtures
We recommend and regularly the following brands:

Ideal Standard

Our commitment to you
You can rest assure that we will do our best work for you, our products are quality and we stand behind our work. In the unlikely event that a defective product is installed we are insured to cover the cost of replacing and repairs.

Again we don't supply products that aren't to the AS/NZ standards!

Questions or concerns
If you have any questions or concerns on work that you have had done or are considering; drop us a line. Email us with photos if you can, and we will do our best to see how we can assist.


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